Creative Direction
This visual identity is a decade in making.
In 2009, after moving to Tulsa with a small team to start City Church, I created the first logo in the middle of a staff meeting as we discussed the vision and future of the church. This set City Church’s tone and branding for the next 10 years. In 2020, after a four-year soul-searching journey from coast to coast, God brought me back to City Church with a new vision.
I witnessed the true transcendent power of art. The aesthetic philosophy of simplicity and excellence carried out to scale, confirming and deepening my natural instincts. I consumed fine art, street art, architecture, performance, and tuned my eyes to the beauty of all things as we co-create with the Creator of the Universe to bring about the garden city of the future.
Our philosophy of design and identity: City Church is not a business. We are a cultural institution. We don’t take inspiration or guidance from the business world, entrenched in a visual standard built on a foundation of market manipulation for its own gain. We don’t take inspiration from churches that build their identities on the foundations of business philosophies. City Church is instead a cultural and civic institution. We take inspiration and visual guidance from the non-profit world of charities, museums, libraries, schools, civic and public institutions, and arts and culture organizations.
I take form, beauty, excellence, and art as seriously as I take my faith because they are inseparable. I am called to be an Artist and a Maker and if you are reading this I challenge you to join me in finding no line meaningless, no word trivial, no color or shape or image without considered thought.
Grace and peace.